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Public Defense

On March 18, 1963, in Gideon v. Wainwright, the U.S. Supreme Court laid the foundation for our nation’s public defense system. In their ruling the Court made clear that providing counsel to those facing criminal charges was a “fundamental right, essential to a fair trial.” Today we continue to fight to make the constitutional promises of counsel and of a fair trial realities.

Answering the Call For Jury Service

Defense lawyers recognize the jury trial to be among the many critical 6th Amendment rights. Jurors fulfill an important role in our legal system, giving many people their only direct interaction with the legal system. Jury service is vital to safeguarding 6th Amendment rights for all. Watch this video from the explaining jury service and why it matters in all communities.

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From the Community to the Courtroom: Increasing Diversity and Access to the Jury Box

Figuring out how to ensure jury diversity has plagued jurisdictions across the country for decades. Barriers to jury diversity can range from systemic and institutional obstacles to the discriminatory use of peremptory strikes. Watch this webinar series exploring why diverse juries matter, the challenges to achieving jury diversity, as well as what solutions and reforms are on the horizon. 

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Jury Data

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Check out this tool from National Center for State Courts to learn more about juries in your state. Compare states and learn more about the unique institutional characteristics of each state court system.

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Public Defense Scholarships

It is critical to ensure public defense lawyers have access to high quality training. Through generous grant funding, NACDL is able to offer scholarships to help defray the costs of registration and travel. Interested in our scholarship program?  

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Want to help support training opportunities for public defense lawyers? Make a donation to NACDL’s Foundation for Criminal Justice.

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Questions about NACDL's work in Public Defense, contact Director of Public Defense, Bonnie Hoffman


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