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Showing 1 - 15 of 48 results

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    What U.S. v. Brooker Could Mean for Your Case (October 1, 2020)

    Tom Church of Pate, Johnson & Church, who apparently reads everything and provides a very useful compilation of compassionate release decisions, will discuss the groundbreaking Second Circuit opinion in U.S. v. Brooker.  The appeals court held that district courts have broad discretion to decide what constitute extraordinary and compelling reasons for a reduction-in-sentence under 18 USC § 3582(c)(1)(A) and are not limited by the outdated Sentencing Guideline at USSG 1B1.13 in making that determination.  This opinion, and forthcoming decisions in the Fourth, Eleventh, and other circuits promise to transform litigation under 18 USC § 3582(c)(1)(A).

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    The Sometimes Forgotten Second Half of your Compassionate Release Motion (September 24, 2020)

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    (How) Should I reach out to the Prosecutor? (August 6, 2020)

    This training is important in any event, but really important right now given new guidance from Main Justice to prosecutors responding to compassionate release cases.

    • Kate Morris, Deputy Federal Public Defender for the Central District of California. Kate is the office’s go-to lawyer for guidance on outreach to the government, and has won AUSA stipulations in three compassionate release cases over the last few months.
    • Brandon Marshall, Defense attorney in the Eastern District of Kentucky (not a district for the faint of heart). He has served both as a court-based Probation Officer and as an Assistant U.S. Attorney.
    • Devon Galloway, Associate at Zuckerman Spaeder and two-time Clearinghouse winner. He will talk about his successful interaction with the government in in of those wins.
    • Moderating – JaneAnne Murray, Professor of Practice at the University of Minnesota Law School, long time federal defender, and a member of our Pro Bono Resource Counsel. Another AUSA-whisperer, JaneAnne has her own story to tell about moving the prosecutor from “no” to “yes.”

    Sample Declarations for Compassionate Release Motions (from AFD Kate Morris, District of Oregon)

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    Protecting the Rights of Incarcerated Patients During COVID-19: A Physicians’ Perspective (October 8

    Anyone whose client has been hospitalized in the community while incarcerated in the BOP knows how hard it is to get medical information from the treating physician and hospital. It shouldn’t be. Even if your client has not been taken to an outside hospital, it could happen should they contract the virus. This webinar provides important information about the ethical obligations of medical professionals, obligations that don’t disappear because their patient happens to be a federal prisoner.

    You hear from Leah Rorvig, MD, MS, Director of Health Education for Amend at the University of California, San Francisco and Brie Williams, MD, MS, Founder & Director of Amend. AMEND is dedicated to transforming toxic, unhealthy prison cultures to optimize the dignity, humanity, and health of residents and staff alike. Joining them is Brianna Mircheff, Deputy Federal Public Defender for the Central District of California. Brianna’s client was transferred to an outside hospital in critical condition. She discusses what she learned from her fight to gain information about his condition and access to him for his family.  

    Thanks to the Federal Public Defender Service of Northern California, which hosted the presentation October 2, 2020, for making it available.

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    The Sometimes Forgotten Second Half of your Compassionate Release Motion (September 24, 2020)