National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers v. Evanston, Illinois Police Department

1-08-2073 (Ill. App.)

Citing wrongful convictions due to mistaken eyewitness identification and the urgent need to reform traditional police eyewitness identification procedures, NACDL, in conjunction with the MacArthur Justice Center of the Bluhm Legal Clinic at Northwestern University School of Law, filed a civil lawsuit against the Illinois police departments who participated in a controversial study of eyewitnesses and police lineups.


**The Chicago, Evanston, and Joliet police departments participated in the study with the Illinois State Police however only Evanston agreed to turn over data.

Nancy Steblay, A Second Look at the Illinois Pilot Program: The Evanston Data, The Champion (June 2011) at 42.

Nancy Steblay, What we know now: the Evanston Illinois field lineups, 35 Law and Human Behavior 1 (2011).

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