Concerning Judicial Pay

NACDL urges Congress to take immediate action to enact a substantial pay increase for the federal Judiciary, consistent with the recent analysis by Paul Volcker, former chair of the National Commission on the Public Service, which recognized the inadequacy of federal judicial salaries and that increases in federal judicial salaries have not even kept pace with increases in average American worker wages. ....

WHEREAS, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) is aware of pleas to raise the compensation of the federal judiciary from Chief Justice Roberts, the American Bar Association, and others, and concurs with those statements.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that NACDL endorses recent statements by the Chief Justice of the United States that the failure to raise judicial pay is now a “crisis that threatens to undermine the strength and independence of the federal Judiciary.”

FURTHER RESOLVED, that NACDL urges Congress to take immediate action to enact a substantial pay increase for the federal Judiciary, consistent with the recent analysis by Paul Volcker, former chair of the National Commission on the Public Service, which recognized the inadequacy of federal judicial salaries and that increases in federal judicial salaries have not even kept pace with increases in average American worker wages.

To read NACDL's Letter to Senate and House Party and Judiciary Committee Leaders Regarding Federal Judicial Compensation, click here.

To read NACDL's Letter to Federal District and Circuit Court Chief Judges, click here.  

San Diego, California

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