Using Data to Avoid Unwarranted Sentencing Disparities in Federal Cases [NACDL Engage & Exchange]

Federal prosecutors regularly ask courts to impose sentences within the Guidelines ranges to avoid unwarranted sentencing disparities under 18 USC §3553(a)(6), but these arguments often ignore data about what sentences are actually being imposed, especially in white-collar cases.  The Sentencing Commission has made it easier to see this data through the Judiciary Sentencing Information (JSIN) platform, and regular use of JSIN data is already being tested in 1/3 of federal district courts around the country. 



This webinar provides a practical introduction to how defense attorneys can use JSIN, how they can respond to government arguments about JSIN, and how to use the Sentencing Commission’s sentencing datafiles to determine whether your client’s recommended sentence is in line with how defendants most similar to your client are actually being sentenced.  The webinar is led by former federal prosecutor and NACDL member Stephen Chahn Lee and the founding partners of MCM Data Consulting, attorney Meredith Patti and statistician Mary Cate Rush, who specialize in analyzing the Sentencing Commission’s sentencing datafiles.

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