News Release

Last Prisoner Project Receives Champion of Justice Award from Nation’s Criminal Defense Bar 

Washington, DC (Oct. 23, 2023) Last Prisoner Project (LPP), a national nonprofit dedicated to cannabis and criminal legal reform, was awarded the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) Champion of Justice Rights Restoration Award at the 2023 NACDL Foundation for Criminal Justice (NFCJ) Redemption Gala in Washington, DC. Accepting the award for LPP were Sarah Gersten, Executive Director and General Counsel and Donte West, Advocacy Associate. Their full acceptance speeches appear below. 

Champion of Justice Awards are bestowed upon those individuals who – through legislative, journalistic, philanthropic, or humanitarian pursuits – have staunchly preserved or defended the constitutional rights of American citizens and have endeavored to ensure justice and due process for persons accused of crime.