Sidney Thaxter serves as a Senior Litigator for the Fourth Amendment Center at NACDL, which provides the defense bar with resources and litigation support designed to preserve privacy rights in the digital age. Sidney focuses on new and emerging electronic surveillance including: location tracking, communication interception, device searches, government hacking, biometric identification, and data collection. Previously Sidney was the head of the Digital Forensic Practice at the Bronx Defenders where he advised attorneys on social media, device extraction and analysis, GPS evidence, cell site analysis, phone and IP records, electronic search warrants, and eavesdropping warrants, among other things. He also served as a Staff Attorney, handling all levels of cases from misdemeanors to homicides, the Attorney Supervisor of the Investigation Practice, a member of the Homicide Practice Group and the Forensic Practice Group. Sidney holds a J.D. from CUNY School of Law in 2011. While at CUNY Law Sidney was the recipient of the Charles H. Revson Public Interest Fellowship, a member of the Suspension Representation Project, as well as the National Lawyer’s Guild police misconduct project. As a student attorney with the CUNY Adult Defender Clinic, Sidney represented clients charged with misdemeanor offenses in Queens. Sidney was an intern with The Bronx Defenders, the Legal Aid Society, and Fisher Byrialsen & Kreizer, a private criminal law and civil rights firm. Prior to law school, Sidney was an investigator for the Legal Aid Society in Manhattan.