Accepting the Invitation to Join the Defending Immigrants Parntership as a National Defender Member

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers hereby accepts the invitation to join the Defending Immigrants Partnership as a National Defender Member; and

NACDL will continue to work with other members of the Defending Immigrants Partnership to provide defense attorneys with critical resources and training about the immigration consequences of crimes.

WHEREAS, the Defending Immigrants Partnership has invited the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyerrs to join as a National Defender Member;

WHEREAS, the Defending Immigrants Partnership coordinates on a national level the necessary collaboration between public defense counsel and immigration law experts to ensure that indigent noncitizen defendants are provided effective criminal defense counsel to avoid or minimize the immigration consequences of their criminal dispositions;

WHEREAS, the members of the Defending Immigrant Partnership are the Immigrant Defense Project, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild, as well as the other National Defender Member, the National Legal Aid and Defender Association; and

WHEREAS, NACDL has previously worked with the Defending Immigrants Partnership to develop trainings to assist defense counsel to comply with their obligation to provide their clients with information on the potential immigration consequences of a conviction;


The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers hereby accepts the invitation to join the Defending Immigrants Partnership as a National Defender Member; and

NACDL will continue to work with other members of the Defending Immigrants Partnership to provide defense attorneys with critical resources and training about the immigration consequences of crimes.

Cleveland, OH

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