Bail Reform, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (October 2022)
Bail, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (June 2015)
How Bail Works, Vera Institute for Justice
What if We Ended the Injustice of Bail, TEDTalk, Robin Steinberg (April 2018)
Law Review Publications
Do Attorneys Really Matter?: The Empirical and Legal Case for the Right of Counsel at Bail, Colbert, Pasternostor, Bushway, 23 Cardozo L.R. 101 (2002)
Downstream Consequences of Misdemeanor Pretrial Detention, Heaton, P., Mayson, S., Stevenson, M., 69 Stanford Law Rev. 711 (2017)
Towards an Optimal Bail System, C.S. Yang, 92 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1450 (2017)
Undoing the Bail Myth: Pretrial Reforms to End Mass Incarceration, Rahman, 46 Fordham Urban L.J. 845 (2019)
News Articles
Bail Reformers Aren't Waiting for Bail Reform, Alysia Santo, The Marshall Project, Aug. 23, 2016
The Failure to Appear Fallacy, Ethan Corey and Puck Lo, The Appeal, Jan. 9, 2019
The Future Of Pretrial Justice Is Not Money Bail Or System Supervision - It’s Freedom And Community, Raj Jayadev, SV De-Bug, April 4, 2019
Public Opinion and Messaging
Americans Back Limiting Pretrial Detention, Expanding Release, Pew Charitable Trust (2018)
Public Opinion Poll on Jails and Local Criminal Justice Systems, RTI International and Zogby Analytics (2018)
Media Toolkit for Pretrial Justice Partners, PJI (2017)
Reports and Policies
Bail Reform and Public Safety, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law (Auggust 2024)
Freedom Denied: How the Culture of Detention Created a Federal Jailing Crisis, University of Chicago Law School Federal Criminal Justice Clinic (2022)
Justice Denied: The Harmful and Lasting Effects of Pretrial Detention, Vera (2019)
A New Vision for Pretrial Justice, ACLU (2019)
Does Cash Bail Deter Misconduct?, Ouss and Stevenson (2019)
Effects of Pretrial Detention on Conviction, Future Crime, and Employment: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Judges, Dobbie, W., Goldin, J., Yang, C., American Econ. Rev. (2018)
Open Roads and Overflowing Jails: Addressing high rates of rural pretrial incarceration, Right on Crime and Texas Public Policy Foundation (2018)
Not In It For Justice: How California's Pretrial Detention and Bail System Unfairly Punishes Poor People, Human Rights Watch (April 2017)
Out of Sight: The Growth of Jails in Rural America, Vera Institute of Justice (June 2017)
Moving Beyond Money: A Primer on Bail Reform, Criminal Justice Policy Program (2016)
The Hidden Costs of Pretrial Detention, Lowenkamp, VanNostrand, Holsinger (2013)
Other Resources
Incarceration Trends, An interactive state and county-level map detailing incarceration data, Vera Institute for Justice
Q&A: Pretrial Incarceration, Bail, Human Rights Watch (2018)
Where Pretrial Improvements are Happening, Pretrial Justice Institute (2019)